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The Free Critic #26
Author: Isaque Argolo | Creation Date: 2022-11-12 01:45:21
Data providers: Isaque Argolo.
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I was reading an old article I wrote — not yet published — and I was reworking it with new knowledge that, as I study, I improve the article aesthetically and historically. Specifically, the article was about the 1920s and the amount of players that could belong to the highest level in football history. Perhaps, in my opinion, this decade, compared to the ones before World War II, is, next to the 1890s, the best decade in terms of player quality. It's simply amazing how many players are mentioned as being one of the best of their position, top of their position or even being mentioned with the title of "best of all time". The values are diverse: Ricardo Zamora, José Nasazzi, José Leandro Andrade, Karel Pešek-Káďa, Alex Jackson, Héctor Scarone, Hughie Gallacher, György Orth, Alan Morton, Alfréd Schaffer and several other exceptional names.
Below, I will cite some of the values that peaked in the 1920s, started playing in the 1920s or retired in the 1920s. For sure I will forget other names, because they are diverse. However, here is the list:
Alfréd Schaffer
Arthur Friedenreich
Karel Pešek-Káďa
Héctor Scarone
Hughie Gallacher
György Orth
Matthias Sindelar
Josef Blum
José Nasazzi
Pedro Petrone
Gabino Sosa
Sven Rydell
Virgínio Rosetta
Rudolf Kock
Kálmán Konrád
Ricardo Zamora
František Kolenatý
František Plánička
Alex James
Jimmy McMullan
José Leandro Andrade
Friedrich Gschweidl
Hans Kalb
Charlie Buchan
Alan Morton
Patsy Gallacher
Umberto Caligaris
Alex Jackson
Luis Monti
Raimundo Orsi
Manuel Seoane
Adolfo Baloncieri
Luigi Cevenini
José Piendibene
Bob Kelly
David Jack
Dixie Dean
József Braun
Károly Fogl
Imre Schlosser
David Meiklejohn
Of course, as mentioned above, I forgot some values, as I just wanted to name some of the most impressive ones. The list also features players who peaked in the 1930s, such as Matthias Sindelar, František Plánička, Alex James and others. However, the amount of exceptional names in this decade is impressive. Completely outstanding values. It's like Dr. Friedbert Becker said, "People have no idea how football evolved in the 1920s." Later, I will make articles about the 1920s — yes, even more — specific to the evolution of football, tournament creation, unofficial tournaments, historic team clashes, British trips, Olympic games, FIFA congresses, new schools, emerging forces and among others aspects of this decade which is one of the most important and impressive in the history of football.
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