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Association Football & The Men Who Made It: Section XXV
Author: Isaque Argolo | Creation Date: 2022-12-19 18:44:48
Data providers: Isaque Argolo.
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— R. S. McColl —
It is so much of a truism nowadays that combination in football — as in many other things — pays best, that it appears almost superfluous to urge its importance.
In any estimate of, or advice on, football, this vital fact cannot but have first place. The game cannot get higher praise in the interests of the player or greater justification as a public exhibition than that the supremest success in it is won by the team whose advantages of physique, head, and experience dovetail best.
On very rare occasions the almost ideal combination is seen — the right union of me and minds and moods — the happy combination of circumstances that makes the great game. This is the harmony we strive for, knowing the futility of the team that works as eleven men instead of one. Aimless individualism in any position in the team should always be stronglu guarded against — all the more perhaps because of the applause with which the undiscerning section of the spectators are almost sure to greet it.
One selfish player is often "the ruin" of what should be a first-class team. The fleet winger who delights to sprint to the corner flag may get in a rousing shot at the side of the net, or send the ball sailing at an acute angle over the bar, and the crowd will yell with appreciation, not knowing that the chances are all against this method resulting in goals. Equally ineffective, of course, is the midfield dribbler who sticks to the ball as long as ever his opponents or the state of his wind will allow him.
Both time and energy must be utilised to the best advantage; the best must be made of every moment and every mode. The backs and half-backs must play to the forwards; the forwards be ready to accept and work onwards in swift unison; the play well balanced; each position necessary and filling its part in the harmonious whole.
The centre forward, as the pivot of the combination, must have a long eye to the main chance and play for it impartially. On his skill and judgment the players on either side of him depend much, not as wings (for wingism tends to wates), but as members of a forward line working as one man with swift strategy — to score.
The pass to the proper man at the proper moment, so that he can accept to advantage, is a great part of centre-forward play. And whenever the pass is made the centre should keep himself in a clear position that the ball may be sent back again with as little difficulty as possible.
The same applies largely to other positions; likewise, constant watchfulness and complete concentration on the game is necessary. But more than the other forwards, the centre must have the instinct of the leader, think and act as fast as he looks, make and take opportunities, deceive by feint and subtlety — and all in the rapid to and for movements of the game.
And of course he must be played to. Having the greatest goal area in front of him, his opportunities for scoring are exceptional.
He must be played to not only for his own opportunities, but for the opportunities he can give to others.
Being so well watched, the passes given him should be judged with the greatest care. A little diplomatic dalliance with the ball is frequently time gained instead of time lost, by enabling the receiver to make the very best of his opportunity.
Too rigid a system of play, in which all the moves are known, will not do. There must be flexibility; endless variety and versatility; constant surprises for the other side. System must be inspired by art and innate genius for and love of the game.
In football, as in other things, there is always something to learn.
The attitude of the earnest student ensures progress. The footballer should always be in perfect form, and should neither train too much, nor play too often; otherwise he may impair his enthusiasm, and enthusiasm is the very essence of success.
A sound mind in a sound body: these are essential to good football, and good football should help to produce them.
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