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Sárosi, from centre-half to centre-forward
Author: Isaque Argolo | Creation Date: 2021-04-12 12:35:52
Data providers: Isaque Argolo.
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Before turning into one of the best centre-forwards in the world, György Sárosi, back in the day, was already seen as the best centerhalf in the world. Only a few centerhalves could truly compete with him — Smistik, Monti, Čambal, for instance —, but was frequently regarded as the best of them all. Sárosi - talking in offensive actions - was aware of his position and when to find space when an opponent came to combat him. He was, indeed, a very scientific footballer with mathematic sense of game. Another outstanding attribute which he owned was his passing abilities, precisely the incisive pass. Sárosi could send unexpected punctual and very accurate passes to the forward line, many times them reaching the area giving a 1-1 situation with the goalkeeper.
From centre half-back to centre-forward:
Lázár Sárosi Lyka
Kohut Sárosi Táncos
Toldi Takács II.
Mihály Pataki, one of the greatest centre-forwards of all-time, a player with educated skills, scientific plays and mesmerizing tactical knowledge, saw in Sárosi a prototype of becoming the main centre-forward in Hungarian football. Sárosi, in 1931, had his first match as being the centre-forward against Yugoslavia. He, however, failed to finish off the chances which he received. This, nevertheless, led to the press not criticzing Sárosi that much, but the lack of training and the irresponsabilities of the staff.
The year was 1932, when József Turay, yet the centre-forward of Ferencváros, started to miss his chances in front of the gate. Pataki, who believed in Sárosi as centre-forward, began to train him to acquire the knowledge which Pataki once displayed in field, and, therefore, gave Sárosi the position. With this change, Turay was moved to the half-back line and Sárosi started to be tested as the leader of the actions. Sárosi, however, did not succeed what was expected from him, but Pataki did not lose the faith he had in Gyurka. Throughtout the whole 1932/33 season, Zoltán Blum, yet coach of Ferencvárosi, constantly changed Sárosi's position, yet the confirmation of the tactical idea which Mihály Pataki had was to arrive. In the final of the Magyar Kupa of that season, Sárosi gave one the best performances of his entire career. After that match and the beggining of 1933/34, Sárosi conquered the centre-forward position of Ferencvárosi.
During 1933/34, as the time passed, Sárosi was learning more about sending his own actions while playing in the inside trio. His knowledge enhanced so did his performances. Due to his exceptional play, he started to be compared with the likes of Matthias Sindelar, Giuseppe Meazza and many moro great centre-forwards.
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