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The Free Critic #12

Author: Isaque Argolo | Creation Date: 2022-09-14 05:02:25

Data providers: Isaque Argolo.

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Sometimes, in a break from one article to another, I tend to watch some old matches in my personal archive. This time, I went to remember the Hungarian campaign in the V. World Cup. Watching the match between Hungary-West Germany 8:3, 20/06/1954, at a certain moment in that dominant match by Magyarország, I see Sándor Kocsis, close to the mid circle, apply two flicks over Paul Mebus and then do a bicycle-kick pass to József Tóth. It was a pity that the ball went out, it was, in fact, a very beautiful move and that is not seen today.
I've seen some old players perform such a stunt as a form of passing — Maradona, for example. However, this type of thing was much more frequent in the old days.
A move comes to my mind in which Orth, between the half-back line and the full-back line, applies the same flicks that Kocsis performed in midfield. The difference between both is the amount of juggling Orth does and the sequence of the play. Through an unexpected pass, he launches the teammate into a clear goal situation. An extraordinary and unparalleled move by the one who reached the pinnacle of genius.
In everything in life there is a peak. In Orth I see the peak of what a football player can achieve. Nothing will match what that player did while he reached his peak of performance. Nothing. It wasn't football, it was more than that.