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Scottish school | style

Author: Isaque Argolo | Creation Date: 2021-02-09 18:54:24

Data providers: Isaque Argolo.

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This style was developed to be a counterpart of the old individualim of dribbling & rushing directly to the opponent's gate. As the name is self explanatory, the style was developed and put into action by Scotland, whose performances were interconnected with, according to the attendances, a beautiful, scientific, a much more pleasant and delightful game: the combination football.
James Dunn
McMullan Bradshaw Gibson
Law Nelson
Wembley Wizards.
The Scottish style relies on ball mastery, the true abilities of a footballer and also collectivism. The whole team is connected in each area of the field — the ball is not directly sent from the backs to the forwards, for instance. The half-backs — midfielders — takes a huge part in the whole style. Compared to kick and rush & Latin style, the Scottish style was considered a slow type, due to the many lateral passes and its game not being characterized mainly due to the speed of the footballers and long passes — although, yes, there were long passes in the Scottish style.
One of the main characteristics of this style is that the pass should overlap with the dribble, more precisely the short, low and scientific pass. In addition, the brain game was another aspect rooted in the Scottish style that aimed much more at the art of mastering the ball and the ideas that a player could have with the ball. VARIATIONS
Due to it being spread worldwide and also with the changes and enhancement of the game, the style suffered some serious changes as the seasons pasted. For instance, the triangular game, which was adopted by, for instance, the Czechs, and took a strong part in Wembley Wizards. This triangular game relys on the backup of the half-back coming close to the insider and the winger.
When brought to Hungary, Czechoslovakia & Austria, the style evolved into a more refined style. The Danubian way of playing football was almost identical — almost. They equalised everything of the Scottish style, but they overdone many other characteristics such as the passing & the tricks, as coach Jimmy Hogan explained here. Another interesting point is their shot quality and perception of when to shot. For instance, one characteristic which was attached to the football played in Central Europe was that they rather combine until they reach the gate instead of sending a long shot when the opportunity appeared. Their shooting capactity was another weaker point compared to other nations that played the Scottish style.